What Is Robot ?
A robot is a machine intended to execute one or more errands over and over, with rate and accuracy. There are the same number of various sorts of robots as there are assignments for them to perform.
A robot can be controlled by a human administrator, at times from an extraordinary separation. In any case, most robots are controlled by PC, and fall into both of two classes: independent robots and creepy crawly robots. A self-ruling robot goes about as a stand-alone framework, complete with its own PC (called the controller). Creepy crawly robots work in armadas running in number from a couple to thousands, with every armada part under the supervision of a solitary controller. The term creepy crawly emerges from the similitude of the framework to a settlement of bugs, where the people are straightforward yet the armada overall can be refined.
Robots are here and there assembled by time period in which they were first generally utilized. Original robots date from the 1970s and comprise of stationary, nonprogrammable, electromechanical gadgets without sensors. Second-era robots were created in the 1980s and can contain sensors and programmable controllers. Third-era robots were produced between roughly 1990 and the present. These machines can be stationary or portable, self-sufficient or bug sort, with refined programming, discourse acknowledgment and/or union, and other propelled highlights. Fourth-era robots are in the innovative work stage, and incorporate elements, for example, computerized reasoning, self-replication, self get together, and nanoscale size (physical measurements on the request of nanometers, or units of 10-9 meter).
Some propelled robots are called androids as a result of their shallow similarity to individuals. Androids are versatile, typically moving around on wheels or a track drive (robots legs are flimsy and hard to design). The android is not inexorably the end purpose of robot advancement. The absolute most obscure and effective robots don't look or carry on anything like people. A definitive in automated knowledge and complexity may tackle frames yet to be envisioned.
The term originates from a Czech word, robota, signifying "constrained work." The word robot initially showed up in a 1920 play by Czech essayist Karel Capek, R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal Robots. In the play, the robots in the long run oust their human makers.
Likewise see computerized reasoning, nanotechnology, and apply autonomy.
This was last upgraded in April 2007
Related Terms
subjective figuring - Cognitive registering is the recreation of human points of view in a mechanized model. The objective of psychological figuring is to make robotized IT frameworks that are equipped for taking care of issues with... (WhatIs.com)
biomimetics (biomimicry) - Biomimetic alludes to human-made procedures, substances, gadgets, or frameworks that emulate nature. Biomimetic advances are otherwise called biomimicry: mimicry of organic frameworks. (WhatIs.com)
preservation of precise force - Conservation of rakish energy is a physical property of a turning framework such that its twist stays consistent unless it is followed up on by an outside torque; put another way, the pace of rotatio... (WhatIs.com)
Mechanical autonomy - Terms identified with apply autonomy, including definitions about customer or assembling robots and words and expressions about stepper engine frameworks, XY situating tables, mechanization and fake intellig...
Web applications - This WhatIs.com glossary contains terms identified with Internet applications, including definitions about Software as a Service (SaaS) conveyance models and words and expressions about sites, e-business.
Prologue To Robots
What is the primary thing that rings a bell when you think about a robot?
For some individuals it is a machine that copies a human—like the androids in Star Wars, Terminator and Star Trek: The Next Generation. However much these robots catch our creative energy, such robots still just occupy Science Fiction. Individuals still haven't possessed the capacity to give a robot enough 'judgment skills' to dependably communicate with a dynamic world. Notwithstanding, Rodney Brooks and his group at MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab are chipping away at making such humanoid robots.
The kind of robots that you will experience most regularly are robots that do work that is excessively perilous, exhausting, cumbersome, or out and out awful. The greater part of the robots on the planet are of this write. They can be found in auto, restorative, assembling and space commercial enterprises. Truth be told, there are over a million of these kind of robots working for us today.
A few robots like the Mars Rover Sojourner and the up and coming Mars Exploration Rover, or the submerged robot Caribou help us find out about spots that are excessively perilous for us, making it impossible to go. While different sorts of robots are outright diversion for children of all ages. Famous toys, for example, Teckno, Polly or AIBO ERS-220 appear to hit the store retires each year around Christmas time.
Furthermore, as much fun as robots are to play with, robots are even a great deal more amusing to manufacture. In Being Digital, Nicholas Negroponte recounts a superb tale around an eight year old, squeezed amid a broadcast chief of MITMedia Lab's LEGO/Logo work at Hennigan School. A fanatical stay, searching for a charming sound nibble, continued inquiring as to whether he was having a great time playing with LEGO/Logo. Plainly exasperated, yet not wishing to outrage, the kid initially attempted to put her off. After her third endeavor to motivate him to discuss fun, the tyke, sweating under the hot TV lights, mournfully investigated the camera and replied, "Yes it is fun, yet it's hard fun."
However, what precisely is a robot?
As unusual as it may appear, there truly is no standard definition for a robot. Be that as it may, there are some fundamental attributes that a robot must have and this may help you to choose what is and what is not a robot. It will likewise help you to choose what highlights you should incorporate with a machine before it can consider a robot.
A robot has these crucial attributes:
Detecting First of all your robot would need to have the capacity to sense its environment. It would do this in ways that are not unsimilar to the way that you sense your environment. Giving your robot sensors: light sensors (eyes), touch and weight sensors (hands), concoction sensors (nose), hearing and sonar sensors (ears), and taste sensors (tongue) will give your robot familiarity with its surroundings.
Development A robot should have the capacity to move around its surroundings. Whether moving on wheels, strolling on legs or pushing by thrusters a robot should have the capacity to move. To consider a robot either the entire robot moves, similar to the Sojourner or just parts of the robot moves, similar to the Canada Arm.
Vitality A robot should have the capacity to power itself. A robot may be sun oriented controlled, electrically fueled, battery controlled. The way your robot gets its vitality will rely on upon what your robot needs to do.
Knowledge A robot needs some sort of "smarts." This is the place programming enters the photos. A software engineer is the individual who gives the robot its "smarts." The robot will need to have some approach to get the system with the goal that it comprehends what it is to do.
So what is a robot?
Well it is a framework that contains sensors, control frameworks, controllers, power supplies and programming all cooperating to perform an assignment. Planning, building, programming and testing a robots is a blend of material science, mechanical designing, electrical building, basic designing, arithmetic and figuring. At times science, drug, science may likewise be included. An investigation of mechanical technology implies that understudies are effectively connected with these controls in a profoundly issue posturing critical thinking environment.
A robot is a machine intended to execute one or more errands over and over, with rate and accuracy. There are the same number of various sorts of robots as there are assignments for them to perform.
A robot can be controlled by a human administrator, at times from an extraordinary separation. In any case, most robots are controlled by PC, and fall into both of two classes: independent robots and creepy crawly robots. A self-ruling robot goes about as a stand-alone framework, complete with its own PC (called the controller). Creepy crawly robots work in armadas running in number from a couple to thousands, with every armada part under the supervision of a solitary controller. The term creepy crawly emerges from the similitude of the framework to a settlement of bugs, where the people are straightforward yet the armada overall can be refined.
Robots are here and there assembled by time period in which they were first generally utilized. Original robots date from the 1970s and comprise of stationary, nonprogrammable, electromechanical gadgets without sensors. Second-era robots were created in the 1980s and can contain sensors and programmable controllers. Third-era robots were produced between roughly 1990 and the present. These machines can be stationary or portable, self-sufficient or bug sort, with refined programming, discourse acknowledgment and/or union, and other propelled highlights. Fourth-era robots are in the innovative work stage, and incorporate elements, for example, computerized reasoning, self-replication, self get together, and nanoscale size (physical measurements on the request of nanometers, or units of 10-9 meter).
Some propelled robots are called androids as a result of their shallow similarity to individuals. Androids are versatile, typically moving around on wheels or a track drive (robots legs are flimsy and hard to design). The android is not inexorably the end purpose of robot advancement. The absolute most obscure and effective robots don't look or carry on anything like people. A definitive in automated knowledge and complexity may tackle frames yet to be envisioned.
The term originates from a Czech word, robota, signifying "constrained work." The word robot initially showed up in a 1920 play by Czech essayist Karel Capek, R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal Robots. In the play, the robots in the long run oust their human makers.
Likewise see computerized reasoning, nanotechnology, and apply autonomy.
This was last upgraded in April 2007
Related Terms
subjective figuring - Cognitive registering is the recreation of human points of view in a mechanized model. The objective of psychological figuring is to make robotized IT frameworks that are equipped for taking care of issues with... (WhatIs.com)
biomimetics (biomimicry) - Biomimetic alludes to human-made procedures, substances, gadgets, or frameworks that emulate nature. Biomimetic advances are otherwise called biomimicry: mimicry of organic frameworks. (WhatIs.com)
preservation of precise force - Conservation of rakish energy is a physical property of a turning framework such that its twist stays consistent unless it is followed up on by an outside torque; put another way, the pace of rotatio... (WhatIs.com)
Mechanical autonomy - Terms identified with apply autonomy, including definitions about customer or assembling robots and words and expressions about stepper engine frameworks, XY situating tables, mechanization and fake intellig...
Web applications - This WhatIs.com glossary contains terms identified with Internet applications, including definitions about Software as a Service (SaaS) conveyance models and words and expressions about sites, e-business.
Prologue To Robots
What is the primary thing that rings a bell when you think about a robot?
For some individuals it is a machine that copies a human—like the androids in Star Wars, Terminator and Star Trek: The Next Generation. However much these robots catch our creative energy, such robots still just occupy Science Fiction. Individuals still haven't possessed the capacity to give a robot enough 'judgment skills' to dependably communicate with a dynamic world. Notwithstanding, Rodney Brooks and his group at MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab are chipping away at making such humanoid robots.
The kind of robots that you will experience most regularly are robots that do work that is excessively perilous, exhausting, cumbersome, or out and out awful. The greater part of the robots on the planet are of this write. They can be found in auto, restorative, assembling and space commercial enterprises. Truth be told, there are over a million of these kind of robots working for us today.
A few robots like the Mars Rover Sojourner and the up and coming Mars Exploration Rover, or the submerged robot Caribou help us find out about spots that are excessively perilous for us, making it impossible to go. While different sorts of robots are outright diversion for children of all ages. Famous toys, for example, Teckno, Polly or AIBO ERS-220 appear to hit the store retires each year around Christmas time.
Furthermore, as much fun as robots are to play with, robots are even a great deal more amusing to manufacture. In Being Digital, Nicholas Negroponte recounts a superb tale around an eight year old, squeezed amid a broadcast chief of MITMedia Lab's LEGO/Logo work at Hennigan School. A fanatical stay, searching for a charming sound nibble, continued inquiring as to whether he was having a great time playing with LEGO/Logo. Plainly exasperated, yet not wishing to outrage, the kid initially attempted to put her off. After her third endeavor to motivate him to discuss fun, the tyke, sweating under the hot TV lights, mournfully investigated the camera and replied, "Yes it is fun, yet it's hard fun."
However, what precisely is a robot?
As unusual as it may appear, there truly is no standard definition for a robot. Be that as it may, there are some fundamental attributes that a robot must have and this may help you to choose what is and what is not a robot. It will likewise help you to choose what highlights you should incorporate with a machine before it can consider a robot.
A robot has these crucial attributes:
Detecting First of all your robot would need to have the capacity to sense its environment. It would do this in ways that are not unsimilar to the way that you sense your environment. Giving your robot sensors: light sensors (eyes), touch and weight sensors (hands), concoction sensors (nose), hearing and sonar sensors (ears), and taste sensors (tongue) will give your robot familiarity with its surroundings.
Development A robot should have the capacity to move around its surroundings. Whether moving on wheels, strolling on legs or pushing by thrusters a robot should have the capacity to move. To consider a robot either the entire robot moves, similar to the Sojourner or just parts of the robot moves, similar to the Canada Arm.
Vitality A robot should have the capacity to power itself. A robot may be sun oriented controlled, electrically fueled, battery controlled. The way your robot gets its vitality will rely on upon what your robot needs to do.
Knowledge A robot needs some sort of "smarts." This is the place programming enters the photos. A software engineer is the individual who gives the robot its "smarts." The robot will need to have some approach to get the system with the goal that it comprehends what it is to do.
So what is a robot?
Well it is a framework that contains sensors, control frameworks, controllers, power supplies and programming all cooperating to perform an assignment. Planning, building, programming and testing a robots is a blend of material science, mechanical designing, electrical building, basic designing, arithmetic and figuring. At times science, drug, science may likewise be included. An investigation of mechanical technology implies that understudies are effectively connected with these controls in a profoundly issue posturing critical thinking environment.